

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Yeah! I finally finished!! What a great learning experience. It was challenging and most of the tools were new to me but I am grateful and now know about them. I liked the digital storytelling the best and learning about WIKI. I can see teachers using lots of these resources in a PK classroom. I really enjoyed learning about Skype and might use it personally to communicate with my in-laws.

Tool # 11

Digital Citizenship

We live in a new world. I don't even remember having my first computer until I was in high school and it was a Tandy. I know what the dewey decimal system and in college I lived in the library researching articles for papers and that wasn't that long ago (12 years ago?). I can't believe how much technology has influenced our lives and the lives of our children. I have a two years old and I can't even imagine what technology will be out by the time she starts school.

We have to teach our kids how to behave on the WWW,, just like we do face to face.
They need to learn to be weary of strangers, to not give out too much information about themselves. Just like we do when there is a knock at the door. We have to teach kids to not believe the first thing they read and to look at multiple sources before coming to a conclusion. We also need to teach kids about cyberbullying and that what you write is just as important as what you say to someone.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tool # 10

Unfortunately, I do not own an iPad, or iPhone but my sister does and I really like the easy access to apps. You can access information so quickly. It rakes me so long to acees what I want on my cell that I would just rather ask someone who has quicker access or look it up on my labtop. I can't wait to get my own! Kids will love using the apps from this technology.

ABC Phonics- talking and spelling the alphabet, matching animals, and letter balloon pop
Sign Language- students learn signs for letters, colors , numbers and more...
Alphabet Tracing- similar to a doodle pad with visual graphics for letters and numbers.

Tool # 9

I had not heard of Jing before but I think it can be useful for students who are sick or homebound. What a great way for homebound students to get the same lessons their classmates get from their teachers! It would also be great for teachers who need to be absent. They can record a lesson and the substitute just has to play it on Jing and monitor the class. this would be great for those hard to teach subjects.

Skype is something, my fanily has been thinking about gettings for awhile so my daughter can communicate with her grandparents. I think it would be great in the classroom. This would take the place of penpals and you can have Skype pals!

Tool #8

Teacher tube is awesome. I am going to share this with others who aren't taking this course. What a great resource for teachers and students.

I chose two videos. The first is a version of Brown Bear, Brown Bear that first grade students created and narrated called Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See? What a great way to move beyond the knowledge and comprehension stages and have students extend new learing by creating their own book and using technology to represent their work. I loved that each student recorded their own voice to narrate the story. I can see PK students loving this activity and parents.

Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See?

The second video is about the life cycle of a monarch butterfly. I loved that it was a short video long enough for PK students and that is showed the actual stages of the butterfly. I had never seen it shown that way before so I know the students will love it!

Monarch Butterfly

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tool # 7

Digital Storytelling is a great way to get students involved to dramatize a story, as closure to a long-term study project in PK such as the Project Approach or a science unit. You can also retell a field trip. You can record a "how to" and have students write about the steps.

Tool # 6

WIKIS are cool! There were some great ideas on the websites I visited such as using a powerpoint to demonstrate student work, using a wiki as parent outreach to list homework assignments, important dates to remember like open house or field trips, and a list of volunteer jobs.

I think for older students this would be a great way to work on group projects and collaborate on essays.

Even in my own role, this could be a great way to discuss a particular topic of interest.